Feeling + Revealing (Mental Health)

Reclaim Rest! A Guided Meditation For Deeper Relaxation and Self-Exploration

I'm Shannon!

Your go-to-guide on how to feel better from the inside out. Everything I do is designed to help you connect to your true self and unapologetically live your authentic path.

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Reclaim Rest

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This article is excreted from Shannon’s original feature in Spirituality & Health Magazine. See original content here.

What are you craving? What does your body need? Checking in with yourself is important. Now more than ever we need to listen to our own heart and give ourselves what we need most.

Here are some easy ways to recalibrate and realign with yourself so you aren’t feeling so exhausted. At the bottom of this article you’ll find a rest guided meditation.

Be a Boundary Boss

One of the most important lessons in taking better care of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health is to set clear boundaries to protect yourself from extending your energy. Many of my coaching clients feel exhausted and the first thing we address is setting clearer boundaries. If you feel overwhelmed, it could be your boundaries are unclear. Setting boundaries is the ultimate act of self-care and love because you value yourself enough to give yourself what you know you need. It isn’t selfish but rather self-nurturing.

To set boundaries, ask yourself, what do I need right now that I’m not currently getting? Maybe more support, more downtime, more appreciation, etc. Instead of looking to others to give you this need, give it to yourself. Carve out time to focus on your own needs. Then you can present your boundaries clearly to people and let your behavior do the talking. When your honor yourself by having clear boundaries, you stand strong in your sovereign self, and this is the ultimate form of self-love and care.

Be Here in the Now

When we are present, we let go of the worry that runs rampant in our mind. Let your ego calm down by dropping into your heart and focusing more on the power of now. Practicing mindfulness can help you feel more calm and connected to the moment.

Nature Therapy

As we align with the cycles of the sun and moon, the yearly rotation of the seasons can help us feel deeper into the rhythm of our own life. If you keep trying to make something happen, and it feels like a lot of time and energy is exhausted, it could be time to rest and relax. The same way gardeners don’t yell at their plants to grow or try to force them, know that there is a time and place for everything and it is all divine. Trust, surrender, and allow yourself to be where you are instead of where you think you are supposed to be.


If you are exhausted, it could be your own mind working overtime. To combat overthinking, practice being still and do mediation. Using a guided meditation can help you be more present and focus on the moment.

To help you reclaim calm, start by just relaxing into the moment and enjoy this rest guided meditation.

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I healed myself from anxiety, eating disorders, depression and fibromyalgia. Trained in functional medicine, and studied with mindboygreen health coaching, I share my incredible depth of wisdom and knowledge that comes from personal experience, decades of studying human psychology and mental health, and a vast amount of research complied from 12 plus years of 1:1 mindset, and self-love coaching, and leading wellness retreats around the world, and 6 best-selling books, all dedicated to helping you feel better from the inside out. Learn more about my journey here.

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Self-love session coming right up. Grab this FREE guided rest meditation to help you connect to calm instantly.

Radical Body Love Meditation

Love Yourself From the inside out

We all need a little peace and relaxation. Grab this FREE guided rest meditation to help you connect to calm instantly.

Reclaim Rest! A Guided Meditation For Deeper Relaxation and Self-Exploration





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Reclaim Rest

A Rest-Guided Meditation to Help You Connect to Calm Instantly.



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