Rituals (Harmonize)

“Surrender + Trust Yourself” with This DIY Crystal Mist

I'm Shannon!

Your go-to-guide on how to feel better from the inside out. Everything I do is designed to help you connect to your true self and unapologetically live your authentic path.

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This article is inspired, modified, and excreted from Shannon’s original feature in Spirituality & Health Magazine. See original content here.

Seasons change, people change, and growth comes with it. One of the things we can always count on in life, is change, and with that often comes growing pains, and transition. When we hold on to what is meant to be let go of, it can be harder to move forward. To help you surrender to life changes you can trust yourself more with daily self-care tools. I’ve been making adaptogenic, crystal infused face mists, and they help me stay calm, and grounded all day.

When I feel overwhelmed or anxious, I spray my face and body with this surrender and trust yourself mist. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

How (and Why) to Make Face and Body Mists

Creating products for your self-care routine that are inspired by the balance of nature can help you feel more balanced, turn your worries into wonder, and focus on what you want instead of overthinking what you don’t want.

If your mind has been working overtime, or you feel stressed out by life, try this surrender mist to help you trust yourself and life a little bit more.

Amethyst-Activated Jasmine Surrender Spray

Jasmine essential oil is associated with skin care and is effective in treating dry, brittle, or dehydrated skin. This mist combines jasmine oil in distilled water with amethyst crystal—a balancing stone that transmutes heavy, denser energy and uplifts it into love. The spray has calming effects, so feel free to spray when you want to balance yourself, cleanse any heavy energy, and return to your center.


  • ¼ cup distilled water
  • 1 small to a medium amethyst crystal
  • ½-1 teaspoon of jasmine essential oil
  • 200 – 400 ML spray bottle


  1. Put the water and crystals into a bowl and let sit overnight under the moon—or in the day in the sunlight (8-10 hours). This activates the crystal and infuses its energy into the water. (You can skip this step if your crystal is small enough to fit into the spray bottle.)
  2. Add jasmine oil and mix.
  3. Pour the infused liquid into a small spray bottle, shake, and spray.

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I healed myself from anxiety, eating disorders, depression and fibromyalgia. Trained in functional medicine, and studied with mindboygreen health coaching, I share my incredible depth of wisdom and knowledge that comes from personal experience, decades of studying human psychology and mental health, and a vast amount of research complied from 12 plus years of 1:1 mindset, and self-love coaching, and leading wellness retreats around the world, and 6 best-selling books, all dedicated to helping you feel better from the inside out. Learn more about my journey here.

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